2 Ways to Duplicate Products in Shopify

So, you have started a business in Shopify and are adding products to your new online store.

You may have items that are somewhat similar to each other. In this case, instead of typing a product's details from scratch, you can duplicate another product's and edit from there.

Fortunately, Shopify allows you to do so within a few clicks. Therefore, we will teach you two ways to duplicate products in Shopify in this article.

Without further ado, let's dive right in!

Table of Contents

What is Shopify Duplicate Product Feature?

Online store owners need to manage a lot of different things. As a result, finding ways to save time is essential for them.

Almost everyone will have the need to import goods into their Shopify store to sell. This takes quite a while.

Luckily, Shopify offers you a Duplicate product feature. This eliminates the need to re-enter information when adding a new product with similar details as an existing product.

When Should You Use the Shopify Duplicate Product Feature?

As stated above, you should only use this feature to speed up the product import process by duplicating products' data.

You should add a variation to a particular product if you want to add extra options, such as color and size. We do not recommend duplicating products in this case.

Why Should You Use the Shopify Duplicate Product Feature?

In addition to being a great time-saver, it can also save you the headache of making mistakes. After replicating an item's information, you can simply edit the name and description.

Also, creating a copy of a product can be great if you need to decide which version of an item you should sell on your Shopify store.

How to Duplicate a Product in Shopify?

You can duplicate a product in Shopify within a few simple steps. Just follow the instructions below:

  1. First, log in to Shopify. You will then be directed to the dashboard. Next, look for the 'Products' section and click on it.

2. A list of products will be shown. Now, you need to search for the product you want to duplicate manually or use the search, filter, and sort feature to do so.

3. Once you find that product, click on its name.

4. Now, you should see a button labeled More actions located on the right of the product name. Click on it and choose the Duplicate option.

5. A pop-up window will appear asking you to name the new duplicated product. Just remember that this new name must be different from the old one. Otherwise, the process can't be done.

6. Here, you can also decide which data you want to copy. There are four options: Images, SKUs, Barcodes, and Inventory quantities.

7. After that, select the status of the new duplicated product. Do you want it in draft or active status? We recommend you go with the 'Set as draft' option.

8. Finally, click on the Duplicate product button.

How to Duplicate Multiple Products in Shopify at Once?

Of course, there will be moments when you need to duplicate numerous products at once. Bulk-duplicating products in Shopify allow you to edit multiple items' data simultaneously.

In short, you have to export your product listing and edit the spreadsheet manually. While doing so, you can change the titles, descriptions, prices, etc., and add tags as appropriate.

Sadly, you can't follow the instructions below on smartphones. You have to use a PC.

  1. First, you need to log in to your Shopify account. You will then be directed to the dashboard. Next, look for the Products section and click on it.

2. Here, you can select or search for products you want to export their data. This step is optional.

3. Then, click on the Export button. A pop-up window will appear.

4. Here, you can choose which products you want to export.

5. Then, choose a .csv file type. We recommend going with the default one.

6. After that, click on the Export products button. The file will be downloaded by the browser if you export only one product page (up to 50 items). Otherwise, the file will be emailed to you.

Tip: You should make a copy of the file and save it in a safe location, just in case something goes wrong.

8. Now, you can use any spreadsheet program to edit the file to reflect naming conventions and wholesale prices. We recommend using the Microsoft Excel or Apple Numbers app.

9. Once you are happy with the result, it is time to import the file back to your Shopify store. To do so, go to the Product section and click on the Import button.

10. A new pop-up window will appear. Click on the Add file button.

11. Now, you have to locate the file on your computer and open it.

12. You can choose to override any current products that have the same handle. It's probably best not to overwrite anything.

13. Next, click on the Upload and continue button.

14. This is the last chance to preview the details about the import. If everything is alright, click on the Import products button.

By following the above instructions, you can save much time and effort, especially during promotions, when a lot of information, such as price and item quantity, needs to be updated.

Shopify Duplicate Products: FAQs

What happens if you duplicate a product in Shopify?

When you duplicate a product in Shopify, a new product is created with the same details as the original product. The duplicated product will have the same name, description, images, variants, and pricing as the original product. However, it will have a new SKU and handle.

How do I fix duplicate content in Shopify?

To fix duplicate content in Shopify, you can follow these steps:

  • Identify the duplicate content by searching for it on your website or using a tool like Screaming Frog.
  • Modify the content to make it unique. This can involve changing the text, images, or other media associated with the content.
  • Use canonical tags to indicate which page is the original version of the content. This will tell search engines which page to index and prevent duplicate content penalties.

Can you have duplicate SKU on Shopify?

No, you cannot have duplicate SKUs on Shopify. Each SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is a unique identifier for a product variant, and it must be unique for each variant. If you try to create a new product variant with a SKU that already exists, Shopify will display an error message.

What is a duplicate product?

A duplicate product is a product that has been copied or cloned from an existing product. Duplicate products can be created intentionally or accidentally, and they can cause issues with inventory management, order fulfillment, and search engine optimization. It is important to manage duplicate products carefully to avoid confusion and errors in your store.

Final Words

This article has given you clear instructions to use the Shopify duplicate products feature quickly and efficiently.

With easy-to-understand images and text, we hope you can do this skillfully. You should remember the steps for your convenience when you need to duplicate products in Shopify, as it will save you a lot of time and effort.