Empire Shopify Theme: The Ultimate Review

May 26, 2024

Shopify provides a wide range of paid and free themes that cater to the needs of a successful store. However, selecting the right theme can be daunting due to the abundance of options, leading to potential confusion for merchants. You've likely considered several popular Shopify themes and are evaluating their features, prices, advantages, and disadvantages. In this article, we will focus on the Empire Shopify theme.

This theme combines stunning aesthetics with robust functionality and is designed to attract and retain customers. But is it the right fit for your store? In this ultimate guide, we'll explore the Empire Shopify theme's outstanding features, assess its pros and cons, and more.

Empire Shopify Theme: Overview

  • Developer: Pixel Union
  • Pricing: $340/one-time payment

The Empire Shopify theme is tailored for large-scale eCommerce stores. It offers a sleek and modern design that enhances both aesthetics and functionality. 

This theme handles extensive product catalogs with powerful search capabilities, customizable layouts, and promotional features. Key attributes include predictive search, custom promotion tiles, and flexible product grids designed to improve the user experience and boost conversions. Empire's seamless integration and advanced options make it ideal for merchants creating a professional and efficient online store.

Empire Shopify Theme Pros & Cons


  • The Empire Shopify theme boasts remarkable versatility, offering numerous customization options to showcase and market your products effectively.
  • With its responsive design, the theme ensures a visually pleasing and seamless browsing experience across all devices.
  • Users can enjoy the benefit of an unlimited free trial period, allowing ample time to explore and test the theme's features before committing.
  • The theme's exceptional support extends beyond assistance, providing regular free upgrades with bug fixes and new functionalities to enhance user experience.
  • It is an excellent choice for those seeking a clean, simple, yet professional design aesthetic, suitable for various business types and sizes.
  • The Empire Shopify theme is versatile and suitable for businesses of all sizes, including small startups and large enterprises.
  • The theme boasts fantastic features and functionalities, such as animations, pre-orders, and product comparisons, which empower merchants to create engaging and dynamic storefronts.


  • Users may experience occasional slow loading times with the theme, impacting the overall browsing experience.
  • Different from some themes, the Empire Shopify theme does not offer a refund policy, which may pose a drawback for some users.
  • One limitation of the theme is the absence of live chat support, which could hinder immediate assistance for users encountering issues or queries.

Empire Shopify Theme: Great For?

The Shopify Empire theme is an ideal option for various types of merchants.

Retailers aiming to improve user experience with features like predictive search, custom promotion tiles, and flexible product grids will benefit from Empire.

It's ideal for high-volume Shopify merchants with extensive catalogs and frequent transactions in both online and physical stores.

Empire is also well-suited for Shopify store owners seeking a sleek, modern, and professional design that seamlessly aligns with their brand and product offerings.

4 Theme Styles of Empire Shopify Theme (280 words)

The Empire Shopify theme offers four styles—Supply, Industrial, Depot, and Graphic—each designed to cater to different types of businesses and aesthetic preferences.

Supply Style

The Supply style is perfect for stores with extensive inventories. It features a clean, minimalistic design that focuses on product visibility and ease of navigation. With its straightforward layout and efficient use of space, Supply ensures that customers can easily find and explore a wide range of products. This style is ideal for merchants with a no-frills, user-friendly interface that prioritizes functionality.

Industrial Style

The industrial style embodies a rugged, utilitarian aesthetic well-suited for stores selling hardware, tools, or industrial equipment. Its bold typography and robust design elements give it a strong visual presence. Industrial incorporates features like large image displays and intuitive navigation to highlight products effectively. This style is great for businesses looking to convey strength and reliability through their online storefront.

Depot Style

Depot offers a versatile and dynamic design that can adapt to various types of merchandise. It combines contemporary and traditional features to craft a visually attractive and flexible storefront. The Depot style includes customizable promotional tiles and flexible product grids, making it ideal for retailers who want to highlight specific items or promotions. This style works well for stores with diverse product ranges that require a balanced and attractive presentation.

Graphic Style

The Graphic style is vibrant and visually striking, perfect for stores that want to make a bold statement. It features eye-catching design elements and focuses on high-quality visuals, making it ideal for fashion, art, or lifestyle brands. Graphic emphasizes aesthetic appeal with its dynamic layout and creative use of imagery, ensuring that products stand out and attract attention.

Each style within the Empire theme provides unique features and design elements, allowing merchants to choose the one that best aligns with their brand identity and business needs.

9 Key Features of Empire Shopify Theme

The Empire Shopify theme is well-known for its comprehensive features, designed to meet the needs of various eCommerce businesses. Here are nine key features of the Empire theme, each designed to enhance the functionality, user experience, and overall appeal of your online store.

#1. Quick Buy

The Quick Buy feature is a game-changer that enhances customer convenience and increases conversion rates. It allows shoppers to add products to their cart directly from the product listings without visiting individual product pages.

Clicking the "Buy Now" or "Quick Shop" button next to each product in the collections opens a window or pop-up, allowing customers to choose product variations like size or color and add the item to their cart.

This streamlines the shopping process, reduces the number of clicks needed to purchase, and ultimately speeds up the customer journey. Quick Buy is particularly beneficial for stores with extensive catalogs, as it helps customers make purchasing decisions quickly and efficiently.

The enhanced search functionality is designed to improve the discoverability of products within your store. This feature provides predictive search, displaying relevant product suggestions as customers type in the search bar. 

It also includes advanced filtering options, allowing users to refine search results by price, category, and availability criteria. Enhanced search enables customers to locate what they need quickly, resulting in higher satisfaction and increased sales.

#3. Mega menu

The mega menu feature offers an organized and visually appealing way to display your store's navigation options. It supports multiple columns and can include images, making it easier for customers to find categories, subcategories, and specific products. 

This is especially useful for stores with many product categories, as it helps maintain a clean and navigable interface. The Mega Menu enhances user experience by providing a comprehensive view of your store's offerings at a glance.

#4. Pop-up cart

The pop-up cart feature provides a seamless shopping experience by allowing customers to view their cart contents without leaving the current page. When a product is added to the cart, a pop-up window shows the item and options to view the cart or proceed to checkout. 

This minimizes interruptions to the shopping process and encourages customers to continue browsing and adding more items to their cart. The Pop-up Cart feature helps reduce cart abandonment rates and keeps customers engaged.

#5. Image rollover

Image rollover enhances the visual appeal of your product listings by allowing customers to see additional images of a product when they hover over it. This feature gives shoppers a clearer understanding of the product without requiring them to navigate the product page. 

It's beneficial for fashion and apparel stores, where seeing different angles or variations of a product can significantly influence purchasing decisions. Image Rollover provides a more interactive and engaging shopping experience.

#6. Product filtering and sorting 

Product filtering and sorting are crucial for any large-scale online store. They enable customers to refine their searches based on size, color, price, and brand attributes. 

This functionality lets customers quickly narrow their choices and find products matching their criteria. By enhancing navigation and search efficiency, Product filtering and sorting lead to a smoother shopping experience and increased customer satisfaction.

#7. In-menu promos

In-menu promos allow you to highlight special promotions, discounts, or featured products directly within your navigation menu. This feature ensures that promotional content is highly visible to customers browsing your store. 

In-menu promos can drive traffic to specific products or categories and encourage customers to take advantage of current offers. This strategic placement of promotions helps increase their impact and effectiveness. 

Promos can drive traffic to specific products or categories and encourage customers to take advantage of current offers. This strategic placement of promotions helps increase their impact and effectiveness.

#8. Customizable promotion tiles

Customizable Promotion Tiles are versatile elements that can be placed throughout your store to highlight special offers, new arrivals, or key products. These tiles are highly customizable, allowing you to change their design, text, and placement to fit your branding and marketing strategies. 

By drawing attention to specific items or promotions, these tiles help drive sales and enhance the visual appeal of your store. They provide a dynamic way to engage customers and promote products.

#9. Trust badges

Trust badges are visual symbols that convey security, reliability, and quality to customers. They can be displayed on product pages, in the footer, or near the checkout to assure customers of the security and reliability of their purchase. 

These badges usually show icons for secure payment options, money-back guarantees, free shipping, and customer reviews. Enhancing trust and confidence, they help decrease cart abandonment rates and increase conversion rates.

4 Example Stores Using Empire Shopify Theme

The Empire Shopify theme is widely appreciated for its robust features and versatile design, making it a popular choice among various e-commerce stores. Here are four example stores that effectively utilize the Empire theme:

Instyle Furniture

Theme style: Depot

Specializing in contemporary home furnishings, Instyle Furniture leverages the Empire theme to showcase its extensive product range. The clean, minimalistic design emphasizes product visibility and user-friendly navigation. Features like Quick Buy and Image Rollover enhance the shopping experience, allowing customers to explore and purchase items easily.

The Modern Shop

Theme style: Graphic

Known for its trendy and stylish home decor, The Modern Shop uses the Empire theme to create a visually appealing online store. The Mega Menu organizes their vast catalog efficiently, while Customizable Promotion Tiles highlight new arrivals and special offers. This setup ensures that customers can effortlessly find and purchase the latest in modern design.


Theme style: Supply

The minimalist lifestyle brand Muji utilizes the Empire theme to reflect its clean and simple aesthetic. Enhanced Search and Product Filtering makes it easy for customers to navigate through a wide variety of products. The sleek design and intuitive interface align perfectly with Muji's brand philosophy, offering a seamless shopping experience.


Theme style: Industrial

Lanoguard, a company specializing in protective coatings and lubricants, benefits from the Empire theme's functionality to manage its diverse product line. The Pop-up Cart and Trust Badges enhance customer confidence and streamline the checkout process. The theme's professional look and customizable features help Lanoguard effectively communicate its product value and build trust with customers.

Each of these stores demonstrates the flexibility and effectiveness of the Empire Shopify theme in creating a professional and user-friendly online shopping experience.

FAQs of Empire Shopify Theme

Is Empire a free theme?

No, Empire is not a free theme. It is a premium Shopify theme that provides advanced features and customization options to improve the functionality and aesthetics of your online store. The fee is $340, and it is a one-time payment only.

How to update Empire theme on Shopify?

To update the Empire theme on Shopify:

  • Log in to your Shopify admin dashboard > navigate to the "Online Store" section >select "Themes." 
  • Find the Empire theme in your list of installed themes > click on the "Actions" button. 
  • From the dropdown menu, choose "Edit code"> select "theme.liquid" from the list of files. 
  • Paste the updated theme code into the editor and save your changes.

Ending Words,

To sum up, the Empire Shopify theme is an all-encompassing solution for businesses aiming to establish a polished and effective online presence. With its customizable features, modern design, and adaptability, Empire enables merchants to craft compelling storefronts that drive conversions and cultivate customer loyalty. 

Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, the Empire theme equips you with the necessary tools and assistance to thrive in the competitive eCommerce landscape.

Anna Pham

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